ONLINE Regarding Anna by Florence Osmund (Goodreads Author) ebay via apple english free

ONLINE Regarding Anna by Florence Osmund (Goodreads Author) ebay via apple english free

ONLINE Regarding Anna by Florence Osmund (Goodreads Author) ebay via apple english free

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Book description
Regarding Anna is Awesome Indies Approved and has been honored with the BRAG Medallion. Things that happen to you in the past can mold you into someone you’re not. Grace discovers a box in her parents’ attic that contains enough suspicious items to cause her to believe that the people she had called Mom and Dad her whole life may not have been her real parents. After recovering from the shock of her parents’ deaths, Grace Lindroth is tormented by the uncertainty of her identity and begins an arduous search for answers. When certain clues draw her to a boardinghouse once owned by Anna Vargas, she becomes convinced that Anna was her real mother. She believes the boardinghouse walls have been harboring vital secrets for years, but when she meets up with the cantankerous old woman who had bought the place after Anna’s death, she questions whether she’ll ever be able to peel back all the layers surrounding her parentage. The lies and deceit that Grace unearths in her pursuit to validate her identity are shocking, complicated, and not all buried in the past. Does this force Grace to back down, or just heighten her determination uncover the whole truth? What others are saying about Regarding Anna For a fun, fascinating, and somewhat unpredictable mystery, look no further. Dont be surprised if you have a hard time putting this novel down! --The San Francisco Book Review (5/5 stars)
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