ONLINE Record Of Lodoss War: The Grey Witch: A Gathering of Heroes by Ryo Mizuno without signing reader touch wiki book

ONLINE Record Of Lodoss War: The Grey Witch: A Gathering of Heroes by Ryo Mizuno without signing reader touch wiki book

ONLINE Record Of Lodoss War: The Grey Witch: A Gathering of Heroes by Ryo Mizuno without signing reader touch wiki book

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Book description
From CPM Manga! Collecting issues #1 - 7 of the hit manga series! Original story by Record of Lodoss War series creator Ryo Mizuno! These were the first Lodoss War adventures ever written! With original art by Yoshihiko Ochi, THE GREY WITCH has been one of the HOTTEST manga titles to hit the U.S. this year. This book reprints the original now hard-to-find seven issues! The ever popular cast is all here: Parn, the strong-headed fighter, Deedlit, the young and haughty elf, Ghim, the grizzled Dwarf, Etoh, the young priest, Slayn, the sorcerer, and Woodchuck, the thief. The six must again unite as the evil of the Grey Witch permeates all of Lodoss Island! ALL AGES MANGA!
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