ONLINE Rage of the Mountain Man by William W. Johnstone book fb2 online

ONLINE Rage of the Mountain Man by William W. Johnstone book fb2 online

ONLINE Rage of the Mountain Man by William W. Johnstone book fb2 online

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Book description
This book remined me of some of the old westers my grandfather s would make me watch and I acctually like some of them like this book I wasn’t sure how I was going to like it. But, after statring it I found out it wasn’t bad at all and that it was almost like watching one of those movies . I kept reading this book because the farther you got in to the book the more exciting stuff happened like the avalance at the beginning of the book. My favoriet caractoer in this book was Smoke Jensen the mountain man . because he is a big guy that no one normally would mess with.the emotions I got from this book where excitement and anger , as if I was smoke jensen . the character that was my list favorite were the the group of people who wanted the mountain mans range. I think the author wrote this book because there are those people out there that like western type books I mean we have everything else why not this it was a book that told about a way of life that is gone . if you tried to do anything in this book some people would call you crazy and you would end up in jail.the portion of the book that captivated me the most was all the gun fights that’s just one thing Im drawn too. I kinda predicted the ending because most wesntern based stuff ends the same but I tried not too just to keep the end a suprize. I would recommend this book to my grandfathers a few friends that like this type of stuff and maybe my parents if this movie was made into a movie I would have had to have john wayne play the mountain man im not sure about the others but because john wayne is out of the question I would have the guy thst remade one of his movies do it.
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