ONLINE Practical Wisdom for Parents: Demystifying the Preschool Years by Nancy Schulman download iphone read english ios

ONLINE Practical Wisdom for Parents: Demystifying the Preschool Years by Nancy Schulman download iphone read english ios

ONLINE Practical Wisdom for Parents: Demystifying the Preschool Years by Nancy Schulman download iphone read english ios

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Book description
This is such a fabulous book, my only complaint is that I did not find it sooner, when Justin was several years younger. The advice is so well organized in the book and most of it I have discovered through my own trial and error is spot on! The book talks about Nursery schools, Home Life, Morals and Ethics in Children, Routines, and so much more. The advice is so straight forward, honest and easy to relate to. The one thing I love about this book is that the authors have so much experience in the field of children, not as doctors or psychologists but as teachers. You know when you read what they are suggesting that you are getting the best knowledge years of experience has to offer. One section in particular that I really found enlightening was the section on routines. We have a fairly structured daily home life. My husband would like it to be more structured but its harder for me to follow through especially when he isnt around and I just want to kick back and have fun with the kids and have a less hectic life. From reading this book I realized that organizing our day to day life helps make our lives less hectic and stressful and MORE fun. When everyone in the family knows whats expected of them its easier to get through the day calmly. Setting clear guidelines for children and a structured routine helps avoid conflicts and difficult transitions within the day, things we sometimes still struggle with Justin. Since reading this book we have been strictly following the set bedtime for the kids and the routine for bedtime: dinner, family play time, baths, snack, books/reading and bed at the same time every night. The kids have fallen into the pattern of this routine again and happily gone to sleep with no issues or arguing. I found that having a flexible bedtime was creating more battles for bed then if I was consistent and firm. The kids were less grouchy in the mornings and more refreshed too and we are all a little happier.Another thing that I read and have been following is related to the television at night. The book suggests that its never a good idea to watch television before bed because this actually stimulates children, no matter how mild the show is. Instead we have been reading more books and playing games with the kids in the living room, away from the television altogether so its not even a visable issue. There is so much valuable and practical knowledge in this book that I couldnt possibly go into all the details here. Its a must read for all parents.
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