ONLINE Players Handbook Rules Supplement: The Complete Psionics Handbook by Steve Winter free kindle download amazon tom

ONLINE Players Handbook Rules Supplement: The Complete Psionics Handbook by Steve Winter free kindle download amazon tom

ONLINE Players Handbook Rules Supplement: The Complete Psionics Handbook by Steve Winter free kindle download amazon tom

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In the original Players Handbook, psionics was a tacked-on system in the appendices whose primary purpose was mostly to be ignored by prospective GMs, either because it seemed ridiculous or because it made no sense, or to be used in games and then cause all kinds of problems. Whether characters had them was all based on random dice rolls and psionics didnt really interact well with magic or the rest of the game. Not to mention that psionic combat took forever, since it happened 10x faster than physical combat and thus took up the majority of time at the table if it ever happened.The Complete Psionics Handbook is ostensibly an attempt to solve all these problems. It makes the psionicist a class, so that people who want to focus on psychic powers can do so, while still including a Wild Talent system for the people who want to use the old random system of assigning powers. It has sections focusing on how psionics and magic interact, so that you can figure out what happens if a wizard casts free action and a psionicist tries to throw him using telekinesis, or a psionicist uses mind blank and the wizard casts ESP on them. Furthermore, while psionicists dont actually get that many powers--35 at level 20, out of a list of over 150--the point-based resource system and lack of material components and complicated gestures needed for their powers means they have more on-the-spot flexibility than wizards do, though wizards have the advantage if given time to prepare.Im not sure The Complete Psionics Handbook objectively deserves three stars, but I had to give it at least one extra one because it does something thats pretty difficult to do in kitchen-sink fantasy--it makes psychic powers feel different from magic. Thats especially hard to do in a system like Dungeons & Dragons where magics purview is so broad. They even managed to have a pretty extensive power list doing it, with all the classic psychic standbys like telepathy or telekinesis or prophetic dreams or seeing spirits, but also stuff like being able to hear light, so you can still see if you have a blindfold on, or absorb disease, to take others sicknesses into yourself and then hopefully cure them, or all-around vision, to see in every direction simultaneously.Okay. Now the problems, of which there are many. First--every time you try to provide a scientific basis for why psychic powers work, G-d kills a kitten. Dont tell me that Molecular Agitation heats things up by exciting their molecules or Molecular Rearrangement turns lead into gold by changing metals molecular structure in a world where owlbears exist and wizards shoot fire from their hands (especially since lead and gold are both atoms...). This is especially bad when several of the powers might as well be magic. Body Weaponry lets the psionicist transform one of their limbs into a weapon, and it specifically says that the arm so changed actually turns into wood or metal. Metamorphosis says the psionicist can change into anything with the same general mass, including a table or a rock. Share Strength can give strength points to someone else. The psionicist loses them for its duration, and then if the target dies, the strength is lost forever. What exactly is being shared here? Trying to pseudoscientifically justify psionics just makes it harder to willingly suspend disbelief, not easier.Second, as several of the other reviews point out, psionics arent balanced at all. With the Wild Talents system, its perfectly possibly to roll a starting character who can disintegrate people once per day, or mind control an entire group of enemies, or summon a demon anywhere within 100 yards, or turn themselves into nearly anything. Its not particularly likely, true, but a balanced system shouldnt rely on meh, itll probably never happen to maintain itself. Whats more, the designers apparently decided that the disadvantage for psionicists flexibility is a random chance for everything to go spectacularly wrong. Any time they roll to use their powers, if they roll a 20, the power flips out in the worst fashion. Disintegrate works on the user. Lend Health hurts the psionicist as much as the target is currently hurt. Chemical Simulation turns sweat into acid and melts all the users gear. Clairaudience deafens the user for 1d12 hours. Every power has something like this, and even if the psionicist uses some of their meager power choices to improve their success chance at using their powers--and at one new power choice given up per +1 to an existing power, theyd be a complete idiot to ever do that--theres no way to remove that 5% chance to completely screw everything up. Itd be like if every spell a wizard cast had a chance to affect themselves.The monsters at the end are also poorly integrated. Several of them are gotcha monsters, like the brain mole--good luck finding something thats anywhere within 30 yards and a foot underground while it mind blasts you--or the thought eater, and others are just bizarre, like the baku. Really, it all feels kind of tacked on.I cant hate the psionics system completely, as it led to the Dark Sun setting, which is by far my favorite D&D setting and also has the benefit of psionics being much better integrated because it was built into the world from the beginning. Outside Dark Sun, though, Im not sure Id use this book at all. Its a lot of wonky oddness for not that much benefit.
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