ONLINE Pie in the Sky by Jane Smiley (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

ONLINE Pie in the Sky by Jane Smiley (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

ONLINE Pie in the Sky by Jane Smiley (Goodreads Author) ipad read pocket book value

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Book description
Abby Lovitt doesnt realize how unprepared she is when she takes her beloved horse, True Blue, to a clinic led by the most famous equestrian anyone knows. The biggest surprise, though, is that Sophia, the girl who never makes a mistake, suddenly makes so many that she stops riding. Who will ride her horse? Abbys dad seems to think it will be Abby. Pie in the Sky is the most expensive horse Abby has ever ridden. But he is proud and irritable, and he takes Abbys attention away from the continuing mystery that is True Blue.And then theres high school—Abby finds new friends, but also new challenges, and a larger world that sometimes seems strange and intimidating. She begins to wonder if there is another way to look at horses, people, and life itself.Accompanied by the beautiful imagery of 1960s Northern California, Abbys charming mix of innocence and wisdom guide us through Pulitzer Prize winner Jane Smileys latest middle-grade horse novel.
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