ONLINE Pecorino Plays Ball by Alan Madison without registering free english ebook ipad

ONLINE Pecorino Plays Ball by Alan Madison without registering free english ebook ipad

ONLINE Pecorino Plays Ball by Alan Madison without registering free english ebook ipad

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Book description
Do you know Pecorino Sasquatch? The boy who got stuck inside a tuba at his first concert? Well, hes about to play in his first game of baseball. You see, his mother just signed him up for Little League, and Pecorino cant wait to play, even though he doesnt really know what baseball is. But by the end of this spring day, Pecorino will have learned all there is to know about bowling pin-shaped coaches, burbling bubble gum, yodeling umpires, oxen for sale -- everything that makes Americas pastime great. He might even maage to catch a baseball too. Pecorino, the silliest kid in the world, is in for nine innings worth of madcap misadventure, featuring words from Alan Madison and art from AnnaLaura Cantone (the second- and third-silliest kids in the world).
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