ONLINE Overthrowing Heaven (Jon and Lobo) by Van Name, Mark L. book mobi online

ONLINE Overthrowing Heaven (Jon and Lobo) by Van Name, Mark L. book mobi online

ONLINE Overthrowing Heaven (Jon and Lobo) by Van Name, Mark L. book mobi online

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Book description
It began as a favor to a woman trying to get away from an abusive husband.Jon Moore grew up in a prison laboratory. When he escaped with nothing but his bodys nanotech enhancements and more anger than even a long lifetime could wash away, an entire planet died behind him. Memories of the things hed done still haunted him; because of them, he often ended up helping those in need.His kindnesses frequently didnt work out well. This one really didnt work out well. It hurled Jon and Lobo, the intelligent assault vehicle and Jons only friend, down an accelerating, ever more dangerous spiral involving:• Private armies and government covert ops teams• A courtesan who always seems a step ahead of him• Rival superpowers that define Good in terms of their own advantage and Ethics as whatever doesnt get in the way of their Good• And a brilliant, amoral scientist to whom human beings are just more experimental animals--and who might be Lobos creator.Jon and Lobo take the reader on a headlong rush through armed enemies and untrustworthy allies and encounter what just might be the worst danger their partnership will face: the truth.At the publishers request, this title is sold without DRM (DRM Rights Management).
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