ONLINE Overcoming Textbook Fatigue: 21st Century Tools to Revitalize Teaching and Learning by ReLeah Cossett Lent torrent finder value tablet free

ONLINE Overcoming Textbook Fatigue: 21st Century Tools to Revitalize Teaching and Learning by ReLeah Cossett Lent torrent finder value tablet free

ONLINE Overcoming Textbook Fatigue: 21st Century Tools to Revitalize Teaching and Learning by ReLeah Cossett Lent torrent finder

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Book description
This was a good book, full of ideas that I can use the next day. This book confirms my ideas about overusing textbooks. Here are some highlights I found interesting:Create a sense of belonging in the classroom:- create a current events team that scours news sources and brings them to the classroom to share and discuss- form a writing team who assist students with writing introductions, poetry conclusions, organization, spelling, etc- create a social team that remind about birthdays, recognize honors, secret pals and other ideas that involve inclusiveness and positive interactions- create othe special teams such as technology book teams, classroom logisitics, etcMinicollaborations/Reading partner:Have students, after reading a book or selection...- explain why the reading makes sense, or why it doesnt- make a connection to an event in your life- point out anything that is confusing- summarize the part you just read- ask each other 3 questions about the reading- explain how you would adopt what you just learned to something learned earlier- is there anything in the text with which you disagree? What is it and why?- How would you explain what you just read to a younger student?- What more would you like to know about what you just read?(I would add the following: Before having student groups do this, I would tell my class that the following answers are not acceptable It all makes sense, None of it connects to my life, Nothing is confusing I dont have questions I cant explain I agree with it all I cant explain it to a younger student I dont want to learn more - these are conversation stoppers. If you cant answer any of the questions then you need to reread before the discussion.)Student Evaluation of Engagement:Students self-rate by answering the following questions:1. When your teacher introduced the unit how interested were you in learning the topic?2. Did your engagement increase when you worked in a group or with a partner?3. How relevant did you find this topic to your life?4. Were you allowed to make choices while studying this topic (such as choosing a passage to read, a project to complete, a partner to work with)?5. How curious did you feel about finding out more about this topic after you got into it?6. To what extent will you read more about this topic or research it online after the unit is finished?Websites for vocabulary study:www.wordle.netwww.visuwords.comwww.jeopardylabs.comwww.vocabahead.comquizlet.comProviding Feedback:- You almost have it!- I like your thinking here. Now, have you considered...- What do you think should come next here?- This idea is confusing. How can you explain it further?- Yes! Thats it! Good thinking!- Consider what would happen if...- Have you forgotten about.... of the argument?Wikis -ways to share Docs - Textbook assessmentsproject exhibitsoral presentationsdebateslab experimentsmultimedia presentationsmodelsphoto essays blogs, wikisinterviewsRemember to included other NEW Literacy assessments:critical, visual and digital literacycritical literacy:- authors motive - whose perspective was left out- is the author biased- is the source reliable- whose values are being representedvisual literacy:- what message is sent- who is sending the message- what has been left out of the image, graph, or illustration- how does the image manipulate the readers feelings- what is the significance of the image- is the source or image itself legitimatedigital literacy:- effectively synthesizing multiple sources of information- compare and contrast sites- determine the reliability of the site- communicate effectively with tools of technology- find and use valid information to research a topicHow to create writers in content-area classes:-provide daily opportunities for students to write- ask students to analyize not just summarize- give students time for self-reflection and sufficient time to work through the messy process of discovery and inquiry through writing-model how people in various fields write- de-emphasize note taking, and encourage analytical writing and deeper reasoning - allow students to collaborate when writing- allow students choice when writing- encourage students to use digital tools when writing- emphasize content, not correctness when they write- enjoy your role as support, not evaluator!Managing Re-do work:- have students explain in writing why they want the opportunity to redo their work- have students highlight the portion that is redone and explain how this is evidence of increased learning- when appropriate, give more challenging problem for redo work- maybe just conference with the child instead of having them redo the work- encourage peer edit/assessment as part of the redo process before redo work is turned in- only look are revised work when it comes to grading redo work- have students place redo work in a separate basket and let the student know you will get to it when you can- de-emphasize grades over increased learning- place a child on probation if redo work is abused- set reasonable deadlines for redo work- remember purpose of redo work is increased learning, not grade swappingWhat is a text set?collection of materials of diverese resources on a topic a teacher plans to use with the class:- articles, maps, newspaper clippings, books, poetry, lab results, data, songs, interviews, photographs, blogs, tweets, picture books, student writing, graphs, charts, videos, art, plays, websites, community resources/pamphlets, etc(I was doing thig already not knowing it had a name!!! I did this when I first started teaching, even when I was a computer teacher in the 1990s!!!)This is a great book!!!
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