ONLINE Our Little Secrets by Merry Farmer (Goodreads Author) shop read access flibusta information

ONLINE Our Little Secrets by Merry Farmer (Goodreads Author) shop read access flibusta information

ONLINE Our Little Secrets by Merry Farmer (Goodreads Author) shop read access flibusta information

> READ BOOK > The Wild Mare

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Book description
Flax was born to be wild.Born among the wild horses of the Owyhee up-lands in Idaho, Flax is separated from the other horses in her band by a twist of fate. Shes helped by the kindness of a boy named Jim Thorne, but when the eighteen-year-old cowboy leaves Flaxs side, she runs into an unexpected adventure.With no family to call her own, Flax joins a new band of horses and learns to run from rope-swinging cowboys. Shell keep running until she finds a true home.
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