ONLINE One Bite With A Stranger by Christine Warren book pdf online

ONLINE One Bite With A Stranger by Christine Warren book pdf online

ONLINE One Bite With A Stranger by Christine Warren book pdf online

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This book was pathetic – at best.With so many reasons why it was an epic fail… I shall refrain from listing it all, in case I once again end up in a bitching tirade, wondering “who publishes such crap?!” The story starts with Regina and her friends from the Upper East Side Manhattan (very reminiscent of Sex in the City) playing a party game called “fantasy fix”. Normally, I would have considered the name of the game as a warning enough… as a big red sign flashing “Caution do not proceed!” but eternal optimist that I am, carried on reading. Ladies, and some gents, when your friends force you to play a game, which in no uncertain terms leads to you being whored out to the nearest Tom who will fulfil your deepest darkest fantasies…. Slap them and say “no!.” Do not, I repeat, do NOT! Exhibit Regina’s behaviour and allow yourself to be bullied into going to a club whereby meeting the said “bring my fantasies to life” man. Unknown to her, Reggie stumbles across a Vamp (at a Goth club – how original) who manipulates her mind at lures her home… with him in-tow. Now that we’ve established that our heroine is a push-over who gets bullied by her friends and manipulated by a Vamp, it should really come as no surprise that her deepest darkest fantasy is being submissive. (Art imitating Life?! Perhaps?).The vampire gives her what her little heart and brain desires and all too soon the 60-odd page battle for the longest recorded sex scene ever, starts.*tsk tsk tsk* just thinking about it as I write this has me raising my eyebrows. And just to be clear, I’m no Sue. But dammit! I felt like I needed to scrub my brain with bleach just to keep myself from visualising!!Which brings me to the hero. The vampire, Dmitri. While I adore my alpha males, I felt the incessant need to claw his freaken eyes out! Dear Dmitri, please note, we are no longer living in the 1200’s. Women no longer have to walk 3 paces behind a man. Times have changed. And when she says “no” (because, uh… I dunno… she realises that maybe fantasies are fantasies for a reason and reality is quite a different matter) she means no NOW, not no later… or no when you’re done, you over bearing, testosterone filled archaic brute!! Ggrrr!!!All the while, the author tries and depicts Dmitri as the perfect mate for her, money and looks being the redeeming qualities she’s trying to highlight to take your mind off his dictator – like behaviour.Anyway, so a few things happen, involving Reggie’s ex fiancée, a rogue vampire who sires newlings left right and centre, and a mastermind baddie who died suspiciously quickly and easily. After which, Reggie realises she’s in love with Dmitri. Bearing in mind that they’ve only seen each other thrice! She knows nothing of him! Zilch! Nada! And she loves him?!?! Was it love at first sight?! Love at first lay?! What?! What was it?! *sigh* Clearly, if it talks like an idiot, thinks like an idiot and acts like an idiot…. It’s our lovely heroine, courtesy of Christine Warren. Oh! And lets not forget, she finds out Dmitri is a vamp, blithely accepts it, trades her mortality (again… for someone she hasn’t known for longer than a week) and follows him like a sheep off into the sunset.PS: and why is the cover illustrated with a female’s neck but a WOLF in the back ground?! Did Warren forget she’s writing about a vampire? No one double checked this before the book was sent to the shelves?!?! Seriously? Seriously!
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