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ONLINE Object-Oriented & Classical Software Engineering by Stephen R. Schach pdf online reading

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Integrating case studies to show the object oriented approach to software engineering, Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, 7/e presents an excellent introduction to software engineering fundamentals, covering both traditional and object-oriented techniques. The coverage of both Agile processes and Open Source Software has been considerably expanded. In addition, the Osbert Oglesby running case study has been replaced with a new case study on the Martha Stockton Greengage Foundation. The new study highlights even more aspects of the Unified Process.The books unique organization remains in place, with Part I covering underlying software engineering theory, and Part II presenting the more practical life cycle. Complementing this well-balanced approach is the straightforward, student-friendly writing style, through which difficult concepts are presented in a clear, understandable manner. The new seventh edition provides an extensive updating of this classic software engineering text!
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