ONLINE No One Saw: Ordinary Things Through the Eyes of an Artist by Bob Raczka tablet format author itunes online

ONLINE No One Saw: Ordinary Things Through the Eyes of an Artist by Bob Raczka tablet format author itunes online

ONLINE No One Saw: Ordinary Things Through the Eyes of an Artist by Bob Raczka tablet format author itunes online

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Book description
With a short, rhyming narrative and big pictures that depict artwork from sixteen different artists, this book is a great introduction to art for children. We read through the narrative twice; the first time as we pointed out the different things we saw in the pictures, and the second time to more fully appreciate the rhyme and flow of the narrative. Some of the rhymes are a bit awkward, but at least we learned how to pronounce the name Paul Klee (klay). Overall, we loved the collection of artwork and we really liked reading the biographical notes at the end of the book. Our girls liked talking about the different styles and techniques and our youngest told me how she wouldve replicated the soup cans over and over in Andy Warhols One Hundred Cans. She gave a thumbs up when I read how he did it in his biographical note. I love that our girls are becoming very familiar with these (and other) famous images.Read again on 15 April 2016. Even though the main narrative is a bit young for our girls, we find that the book is still a wonderful tool to help all of us recognize famous paintings, styles and artist techniques.
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