ONLINE Mistress By Agreement by Helen Brooks txt ibooks

ONLINE Mistress By Agreement by Helen Brooks txt ibooks

ONLINE Mistress By Agreement by Helen Brooks txt ibooks

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Book description
This book was not aptly named by any means. In fact the whole mistress thing was off by a long shot. This book was about a confused woman who had watched her father kill her mother and then take his own life. It was about her going through a marriage at nineteen, only for her husband to abuse her and nearly rape her. Its about her not dating for twelve years and finally finding her own way in the world, instead of treating a man like she was an ice cube, learning to love him.Despite the subject of the book being so emotionally straining, the book wasnt that good. In fact I found the whole thing to be insipid. I wasnt really impressed but I didnt particularly enjoy it as well. Such is life I suppose.
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