ONLINE Mediawiki by Daniel J. Barrett price access online tom full version

ONLINE Mediawiki by Daniel J. Barrett price access online tom full version

ONLINE Mediawiki by Daniel J. Barrett price access online tom full version

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Book description
MediaWiki is the worlds most popular wiki platform, the software that runs Wikipedia and thousands of other websites. Though it appears simple to use at first glance, MediaWiki has extraordinarily powerful and deep capabilities for managing and organizing knowledge. In corporate environments, MediaWiki can transform the way teams write and collaborate. This comprehensive book covers MediaWikis rich (and sometimes subtle) features, helping you become a wiki expert in no time. Youll learn how to:Find your way around by effective searching and browsing Create and edit articles, categories, and user preferences Use advanced features for authors, such as templates, dynamic lists, logical parser functions, and RSS, to organize and maintain large numbers of articles Install and run your own wiki, and configure its look and behavior Develop custom wiki features, called extensions, with the PHP programming language and MySQL database This book also provides special guidance for creating successful corporate wikis. For beginners who want to create or work on collaborative, community-driven websites with this platform, MediaWiki is the essential one-stop guide.
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