ONLINE Mama Edith: Letters from Congo. (Mission and Tradition in the Congo) by Edith Rebecca Millman touch page link read via

ONLINE Mama Edith: Letters from Congo. (Mission and Tradition in the Congo) by Edith Rebecca Millman touch page link read via

ONLINE Mama Edith: Letters from Congo. (Mission and Tradition in the Congo) by Edith Rebecca Millman touch page link read via

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‘Mama’, known in the Congo as ‘Mama Mangwete’ and then ‘Mama Mokili’, was born Edith Rebecca Stevens in Tring. She had the courage, confidence and conviction of the Victorian culture and the Baptist Christian faith into which she was born. This led to marriage with a Baptist Missionary, and to a quite extraordinary life for a lady of her time. Aged twenty seven, Edith Rebecca journeyed up the River Congo in 1893 to join her first husband, the Reverend Walter ‘Mangwete’ Stapleton. Hers was no mythical journey into the Heart of Darkness but a very practical expedition by which she meant to carry her faith to those whose souls she believed remained in darkness. For over forty years she befriended and served these people, through sickness and danger - and a great deal of joy.Fortunately, Edith Rebecca had the keen observation of the gifted writer. In her many letters to family and friends and her contributions to the ‘B.M.S Quarterly Notes’ she wrote vividly of what she saw and felt. After her death at the age of eighty six, her second husband, William’Mokili’ Millman - or Mokili as he was known - collected these writings and collated them chronologically. He had the unusual foresight of refraining from altering any of them. The result is a document occasionally repetitive, often disjointed and sometimes clumsy in chronology. Yet instead of using them to create a straightforward biography of what Edith Rebecca did, Mokili has given us Mamas very own words - telling us day by day and week by week what she, and those she loves, are doing and seeing and feeling.I have added photographs, chosen hopefully for relevance from the thousands in the care of our family, re-assembled a fragmented typescript and presented the result for print and Kindle. Otherwise these are Mamas words as she wrote them. What her eyes saw her pen wrote - and she wrote because she wanted us all to see too.Royalties of this edition will go to War Child - Congo
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