ONLINE Male Desire: The Homoerotic in American Art by Jonathan Weinberg text pdf amazon online english

ONLINE Male Desire: The Homoerotic in American Art by Jonathan Weinberg text pdf amazon online english

ONLINE Male Desire: The Homoerotic in American Art by Jonathan Weinberg text pdf amazon online english

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Book description
This book is a survey of how American artists, particularly male artists, have portrayed the male body for the past two centuries. Beginning with the academic-style painting of Thomas Eakins, through the abstraction of the American avant-garde (Marsden Hartley) during the onset of modernism, to the foucs on the muscular body in the mid-twentieth century (Hugo Gellert, Thomas Pollack Anshutz, Richmond Barthe) and into the homosexual civil rights movement of the late 1960s (Warhol, Mapplethorpe, Arthur Tress) and beyond (Keith Haring, Felix Gonzales-Torres, Bruce Weber), Weinbergs engaging text highlights particular artists while paying close attention to the artistic and cultural contexts in which they worked. Sexy, beautiful, edgy, and thought provoking, this important book is a must-have for every art-book collection as well as every gay persons coffee table.
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