ONLINE Make You Mine by Jackie Ashenden (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

ONLINE Make You Mine by Jackie Ashenden (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

ONLINE Make You Mine by Jackie Ashenden (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

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Book description
Alex St. James was left with a choice. Pick up the dice and find where they lead, or walk away. Choosing to see where the snake-eyes go, Alex plays in a poker game run by the devil who haunts his past. He will risk everything to find answers—that is, until his alluring, enigmatic bodyguard, Katya, becomes someone he cannot risk losing…Katya is fiercely conflicted. Aching to break free from Alex to track down her former lover, Katya agrees to one last job—to protect her dangerously sexy boss as he gambles his future in exchange for clarity about his past. As the stakes are raised, Katyas loyalty shifts from the man she loved to the man she swore to protect. But in order to get what she wants, Katya will have to go all in…
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