ONLINE Lone Star Wedding by Sandra Steffen access read find get pc

ONLINE Lone Star Wedding by Sandra Steffen access read find get pc

ONLINE Lone Star Wedding by Sandra Steffen access read find get pc

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Book description
The Fortunes are a big crazy family and they have lots of friends like the Cassidy family. Lily Cassidy will marry Ryan Fortune when his nasty divorce to money grabbing Sophia finally finishes, but Hannah Cassidy, Lilys daughter is planning the wedding anyway because she likes to think positively. On the pessimistic side is Ryan Fortunes divorce lawyer Parker Malone. Parker works every day with people breaking up marriages and finalizing divorces so unsurprisingly he doesnt believe that marriage is for everyone (or anyone).I do love the opening scene with the condoms and misunderstanding although it is kind of mean to give the single girl a huge box of condoms (even if it is a joke amongst girls). I like that Hannah is so adamant to be in love before making love which makes so much sense and so many people arent patient enough for love before sexy time.Another crazy Fortune family and friends story where the back ground kidnapping and divorce subplot is pushed ahead with Clint killing Sophia and incriminating Lily for the murder. Yes, I am into this silly soap opera but it is a car accident and I cant take my eyes off of it! So Im starting up the next story In The Arms Of A Hero.244 pages2 stars
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