ONLINE Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 1: Teenage Revolution by Mark Waid read pdf on iphone

ONLINE Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 1: Teenage Revolution by Mark Waid read pdf on iphone

ONLINE Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 1: Teenage Revolution by Mark Waid read pdf on iphone

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Hey! This didnt suck!It was recommended to me by our resident Geekoracle, when I mentioned that I was looking for something decent about the Legion.Thank you, Joseph!This was an origin story of sorts for the Legion of Super-Heroes. Not The Origin Story, but at least the original cast was front and center in this one.I couldnt buy into the whole Were Creating a Group of Teenage Heroes Because the World is Too Boring thing.I just didnt really get it.Then again, I think Im officially part of the Establishment at this point in my life. Look both ways before you cross the street.Hold my hand in a crowd.Dont take candy from strangers.Use a condom...even if she says shes on the pill.Yep. These days, I find myself spouting the usual preachy advice that makes kids roll their eyes and squirm.However, once you get midway though the book, it makes a bit more sense.Everything is sanitized, nobody meets up in person anymore, and all the kids have tracking devices on them. Big Brother + Helicopter Parents = Every Teens Nightmare In answer to all this control, some kids have started a movement back towards the Good Old Days (aka the 21st century), and are calling themselves Super Heroes.The Flight Rings also double as blockers for the government tracking devices, so for the first time, these kids are off the grid.Adults all over the universe are going crazy over the fact that their kids are taking off to join this cult.That part of the plot never really impressed me. Even though the reasoning behind it got better, it didnt suck me into their cause.The best parts of the book were the exchanges between the different characters, the backstories (Triplicate Girls story was great), and the underlying menace of some unknown Dark threat lurking out there.So.You do get really good overall story! Id like to continue with this title, if I get the chance.Recommended for anyone looking for a good Legionnaire comic.
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