ONLINE Leading from the Middle, and Other Contrarian Essays on Library Leadership by John Lubans Jr. shop read access flibusta information

ONLINE Leading from the Middle, and Other Contrarian Essays on Library Leadership by John Lubans Jr. shop read access flibusta information

ONLINE Leading from the Middle, and Other Contrarian Essays on Library Leadership by John Lubans Jr. shop read access flibusta information

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Book description
In Leading from the Middle, and Other Contrarian Essays on Library Leadership, John Lubans, Jr., argues for democratic library organizations with shared leadership and decision making by leaders and followers. His book distills 15 years worth of leadership essays to advance a theory of a collaborative and empowering leadership, touching on such subjects as teamwork, empowerment, followership, challenges, values, coaching, self-management, collaboration, communication, and techniques and tools.Lubanss 36 essays draw new and insightful perspectives on leadership from disparate realms: travel, sports, music, retail businesses, and airlines. All of the essays have been edited and revised for this book and many have been extensively updated with new material and epilogues. The essays flow from the authors experience as a manager/leader, his teaching of the topic, and his research into and experimentation with organizational leadership. Insights and suggestions are tempered by a candid reflection on successes achieved and mistakes made.
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