ONLINE Kings Of Crime by Walter B. Gibson fb2 phone kickass download audio

ONLINE Kings Of Crime by Walter B. Gibson fb2 phone kickass download audio

ONLINE Kings Of Crime by Walter B. Gibson fb2 phone kickass download audio

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Book description

Book description
This is number twenty in the pulp series, and number 11 in the book series. This one starts out somewhat differently in that the Shadow already knows there is crime afoot, and he tries to warn a group of men who run a city where gambling is going on, but they refuse to listen.There is also a group of five main villains. Four of them are referred to as the Kings, since they each carry a King from a deck of cards, and the fifth one, the leader, is the Ace. They bring a lot of crime to this city, and each guy is responsible for one area.Lamont himself plays a part as a gambler who manages to beat the house which is cheating on the roulette wheel. He also gets into a battle with some of the crooks.Theres a lot of gun-play in this story, and its one of the best ones. Definitely a must-read.
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