ONLINE Judge Dredd: Anderson, Psi-Division by Matt Smith online full buy text how read

ONLINE Judge Dredd: Anderson, Psi-Division by Matt Smith online full buy text how read

ONLINE Judge Dredd: Anderson, Psi-Division by Matt Smith online full buy text how read

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Book description
3.5*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.Judge Cassandra Anderson has psychic powers that make her a considerable asset to the justice department. When she gets a psychic flash of a burglary at the Modern Museum she investigates and finds that a map has been stolen. Using her skills she gleans information from one of the perps that leads her to investigate the whereabouts of a master criminal.This was a pretty good read; the story itself was fairly engaging but picked up considerably after the halfway mark. Character wise, Anderson is one tough chicky and it’s always great to see a strong female lead. Judge Dredd makes an appearance but his involvement didn’t really carry that much weight and without him the read wouldn’t have suffered. This is a positive for how well drawn the character of Anderson is. The art was good but perhaps not quite to my personal taste, it was well drawn and characters were expressive without it being overdone. A good read that dragged storywise at the beginning but ended strongly. Recommended.
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