ONLINE Japanese Tales and Legends by Helen McAlpine portable book epub itunes amazon

ONLINE Japanese Tales and Legends by Helen McAlpine portable book epub itunes amazon

ONLINE Japanese Tales and Legends by Helen McAlpine portable book epub itunes amazon

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Book description
This book was part of research for two assignments this semester, and though I am highly fascinated by Japanese mythology and folk lore, this text was a disappointment. Apart from being littered with liberal twists of mythological events, the anthology wouldve benefited from a more in-depth glossary and introductions to each tale — especially The Birth of Japan and Tales of the Heike — to help contextualise them. To be fair, the Kojiki is rather dry, which wouldve made McAplines job difficult, as far as adaptions go.Tales of the Heike also felt very out of place within the text, juxtaposed against mythologies and folk lore. It is a section that shouldve been its own historical (I use that term loosely) book, as it detracts from the legends and tales of Japan. It also distorts the tone of Japanese Tales and Legends, shifting it from an almost-whimsical tone to one of seriousness for 44 pages.It was during the folk tale retellings that McAplines voice flourished. The writing became pleasant and disarmingly charming. Never did these tales take on a quixotic feeling, which made them enjoyable to read. The illustrations brought me much joy, bolstering the storytelling throughout the book.Honestly, if this book was published now, it would feel shallow considering how our understanding of Japanese culture and their history has expanded in five decades. As a modern-day reader, the text is outdated, but surely, at the time of its publication, it was worthy of praise. Its definitely not a book I would recommend for leisure reading. However, if it was republished as an updated edition with more myths and folk tales replacing Tales of the Heike, an updated glossary and fresher illustrations, I would definitely considering recommending it to others.
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