ONLINE In the Presence of Fear by Wendell Berry phone direct link ios italian online

ONLINE In the Presence of Fear by Wendell Berry phone direct link ios italian online

ONLINE In the Presence of Fear by Wendell Berry phone direct link ios italian online

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Book description
This slim volume packs a big punch. The first essay is one of the most thoughtful and non-American-centric critiques of the 9-11 tragedy. With humility Wendell Berry reflects on how this event challenged our prosperity mindset and how it should guide our future toward a more local, caring economy.The second essay explores the local economy in greater depth. Berry criticizes the false promise of global prosperity perpetuated by the current economic and governmental ideologies. After laying bare the lies of the global economy he discusses the human, economic, political and environmental benefits to be had from building a local, sustainable economy.The third essay critiques movements which are generally narrowly focused on one issue or event. Although at times necessary, movements tend to miss the broad view of what is necessary to create cultural change. Most issues that movements address (environmental degradation, clean air, clean water, etc.) are actually part of a complex web of issues that all need to be worked on.Thoughtful and engaging. I enjoyed these little essays enormously.
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