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Book description
Clients in CrisisIts not unusual for a business or organization to experience an identity crisis as the years pass and its public persona dulls. In Identity Crisis!, identity design professional Jeff Fisher gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the identity redesign process in 50 different case studies. This book showcases results that designers around the world have provided for clients, including one-person businesses, retail operations, major corporations, restaurants, educational institutions, performing arts groups and more.Through detailed, illustrated case studies, Identity Crisis! presents the obstacles that graphic designers - and their clients - may face when an identity starts to lose its luster and target market appeal. This volume showcases the creative results in the redesign of logos, stationery, signage, websites, menus, environment and collateral items. Over 400 illustrative elements - befores and afters - provide the inspiration for a solution to any identity crisis.With foreword by Jack Anderson of Hornall Anderson Design.
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