ONLINE How to Prepare a Business Plan: Create Your Strategy; Forecast Your Finances; Produce That Persuasive Plan by Edward Blackwell tablet format author itunes online

ONLINE How to Prepare a Business Plan: Create Your Strategy; Forecast Your Finances; Produce That Persuasive Plan by Edward Blackwell tablet format author itunes online

ONLINE How to Prepare a Business Plan: Create Your Strategy; Forecast Your Finances; Produce That Persuasive Plan by Edward Blackwell

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Book description
A good business plan is the best means of impressing potential financial backers. Indeed, without such a plan no bank or venture capital house will consider a loan for start-up or expansion. How to Prepare a Business Plan describes the best way to prepare a business plan that will get the financial backing needed. Now updated with case studies and information on technology and the internet, it includes cash flow forecasts and sample business plans, as well as advice on expanding a business, planning the borrowing and monitoring business progress. В  Every new business needs a comprehensive and detailed plan if it is to survive. How to Prepare a Business Plan helps aspiring entrepreneurs take this step.
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