ONLINE Homicide Trinity by Rex Stout download book free fb2

ONLINE Homicide Trinity by Rex Stout download book free fb2

ONLINE Homicide Trinity by Rex Stout download book free fb2

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Book description
Among mystery writers, Rex Stout stands out for four things: 1) devising the second most memorable eccentric detective genius, 2) creating--in Archie Goodwin--the breeziest, most deceptively effortless first-person narrative voice in detective fiction, 3) fathering the single greatest crime-solving pair (since, although Holmes wins out slightly over Wolfe, Goodwin beats Watson hands down) and 4) being the absolute master of the 25,000 word detective novella.These three novellas are among Stouts finest. The first involves a prospective client strangled with Wolfes necktie, the second features two identical guns and a mysterious strongbox, and the third introduces us to Hattie Annis, a crusty, cop-hating landlady who is one of the most vivid of Stouts incidental creations. If possible, read each in one sitting. Enjoy.
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