ONLINE Helping Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety or School Refusal: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents by Andrew R. Eisen italian pdf ebay iphone free

ONLINE Helping Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety or School Refusal: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents by Andrew R. Eisen italian pdf ebay iphone free

ONLINE Helping Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety or School Refusal: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents by Andrew R. Eisen italian

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Book description
Effective Tools for ParentsDoes your child cling to you whenever you try to leave? Does he or she react strongly to the thought of being left alone? Psychologists call this kind of behavior separation anxiety, and its usually a normal part of your childs developmental process — one that they outgrow. Sometimes, though, extreme or persistent kinds of separation anxiety can make life difficult for both you and your child. In some cases, separation anxiety issues can lead a child to be reluctant to get ready for school or, worse, to simply refuse to go at all. This behavior, called school refusal, comes with its own set of challenges. This book shows you how to identify when your childs separation anxiety or school refusal is more than just a phase and offers effective tools that you can use to manage your childs anxiety. Real-life stories about other children facing these challenges will help you keep your situation in perspective and remember that, with patience and persistence, your child will overcome his or her anxiety.After reading this book, you will be able to:Identify your childs unique safety needs Empower him or her with simple and effective coping skills Guide your child to better sleep, more comfortable alone time, and regular school attendance Monitor your progress and tap additional resources as you need them
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