ONLINE Groveton by Charlotte Brown touch amazon shop read torrent

ONLINE Groveton by Charlotte Brown touch amazon shop read torrent

ONLINE Groveton by Charlotte Brown touch amazon shop read torrent

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Groveton is located in Fairfax County, three miles south of Alexandria on what is now known as Richmond Highway. The original property owners of the Groveton area were George Mason, Sampson Darrell, and George Washington. Early family homes that are still standing include Huntley, Stone Mansion, Wilkinson, Sherwood Farm, and Briery Farm. Between the 1880s and early 1900s, Groveton was home to several orchards and farms. Dairy farms, such as Clifton, Groveton, Sherwood, and Hybla Valley Farms, made up the Alexandria Milk Association for which Groveton was known. By the mid-1900s, the farms gave way to businesses, churches, residential housing, and two airfields. Today, Groveton has grown to become a diverse neighborhood and is experiencing economic growth due to the Fort Belvoir expansion.
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