ONLINE Germany the People by Kathryn Lane download book value online kindle

ONLINE Germany the People by Kathryn Lane download book value online kindle

ONLINE Germany the People by Kathryn Lane download book value online kindle

> READ BOOK > Germany the People

> ONLINE BOOK > Germany the People

> DOWNLOAD BOOK > Germany the People

Book description

Book description
This book is suitable for ages 9-14. The long history of the German people traces back to 2000 B.C. This new books illustrates its people from the powerful Roman Empire through to the twentieth centurys division and reunification of Germany. Vivid photographs depict what village and city life is like today at home, school, and in the workplace. The topics covered include: the Frankish empire; the crusades and the Order of Teutonic Knights; WWII - Hitler and the holocaust; the fall of the Berlin wall and reunification; city and village life; traditional German food and customs; a recipe for Pfeffernuesse or pepper nuts; and, school and sports.
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