ONLINE Game by Phil Truman (Goodreads Author) eng iphone cheap book download

ONLINE Game by Phil Truman (Goodreads Author) eng iphone cheap book download

ONLINE Game by Phil Truman (Goodreads Author) eng iphone cheap book download

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Book description
Year in and year out the football powerhouse Hert City Trojans import a ringer to fuel their championship charge, but their luck is about to change. In the small backwater town of Tsalagee, first-year coach Donny Doyle knows the only way he can fulfill his promise to unseat the Hert City juggernaut, is to beat them at their own GAME. But in his own recruit, the mammoth and powerful, yet troubled and ominous Leotis McKinley, Doyle finds more than he bargained for. Truman’s character-rich novel GAME spins an energetic tale around the intensity of small-town high school football in America. And yet, amid the fast-paced drive of the story, lies an account of the human spirit struggling through adversity and finding victory. Readers of any age or gender will feel the triumph, honor, and glory that comes from the…GAME.“I couldnt put it down. [GAME] is really well written and the action kept me going until the end.” - Fred W. Hoster, Executive Director, Dallas Fellowship of Christian Athletes“A masterly written tale of rural football. Each character is richly feel like you are on the sidelines with these kids. GAME goes way beyond the game of high school football.” - Brock Sawyer, Editor, Vype Magazine“I thoroughly enjoyed [GAME]. I will tell other coaches about this book.” - Gary Sanchez, President, New Mexico High School Coaches Association
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