ONLINE Freak by Marcella Pixley free android audio selling djvu

ONLINE Freak by Marcella Pixley free android audio selling djvu

ONLINE Freak by Marcella Pixley free android audio selling djvu

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Book description
For Miriam Fisher, a budding poet who reads the Oxford English Dictionary for fun, seventh grade is a year etched in her memory clear as pain. Thats the year her older sister, Deborah, once her best buddy and fellow alien, bloomed like a beautiful flower and joined the high school in-crowd. Thats the year high school senior Artie Rosenberg, the hottest guy in the drama club and, Miriam thinks, her soul mate, comes to live with Miriams family. And thats the year the popular watermelon girls turn up the heat in their cruel harassment of Miriam--ripping her life wide open in shocking, unexpected ways. Teased and taunted in school, Miriam is pushed toward breaking, until, in a gripping climax, she finds the inner strength to prove shes a force to be reckoned with.This riveting first novel introduces readers to an unforgettable heroine, an outsider who dares to confront the rigid conformity of junior high, and in the process manages not only to save herself but to inspire and transform others.
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