ONLINE Favorite Medieval Tales by Mary Pope Osborne read txt on ipad

ONLINE Favorite Medieval Tales by Mary Pope Osborne read txt on ipad

ONLINE Favorite Medieval Tales by Mary Pope Osborne read txt on ipad

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Book description
1 Finn Maccoul - Boy eats magic salmon for Irish poetry, weds girl evil Druid transformed to doe.2 Beowulf - He slays Grendel for besieged King Hothgar of Denmark but monster mother leaves marsh for revenge. 3 Sword in the Stone - Boy Merlin tells evil king, red dragon slain is his future, hides son Arthur for Uther. 4 Island of the Lost Children - Griffin flies Dutch Prince Hagen to isle with Hilda and princesses. 5 Roland - Count Ganelon from Charlemagne in France, betrays to pagan Spaniards, who flee when devout Roland sounds horn 6 Werewolf - Faithless wife hides clothes so Sir Marrok stays animal. 7 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Youngest Camelot knight beheads green bearded stranger with own axe, after promising to allow return on New Year Day.8 Robin Hood and his Merry Men - archer disguised in red beggar robes and eye patch contests for Sheriffs gold arrow. 9 Chanticleer and the Fox - Fable where fox captures rooster by flattery.
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