ONLINE Fatal Decision: Anzio and the Battle for Rome by Carlo D'Este spanish book link no registration view

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Book description
The entire Italian campaign in World War II was something of a strategic mistake, and it reached its nadir when, with the allied offensive stalled at Monte Cassino, Churchill conceived the amphibious attack that would supposedly turn the Germans out of the Cassino position and help liberate Rome. Instead, the result was a 5 month-long stalemate and one of the most wretched campaigns in the West: the battles in the Anzio bridgehead. To make matters worse, when the allies finally broke out, US General Mark Clarke - something of an egomaniac - ordered his 5th Army not to cut off and destroy the German forces but rather liberate Rome for reasons of prestige. DEste does his usual thorough and engaging job describing the campaigns, the personalities involved and the experiences of the soldiers who fought in the horrible battles in the bridgehead and around Cassino. An excellent study of a somewhat fruitless and frustrating campaign.
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