ONLINE Faerie Christmas by Katica Locke (Goodreads Author) eng txt store book library

ONLINE Faerie Christmas by Katica Locke (Goodreads Author) eng txt store book library

ONLINE Faerie Christmas by Katica Locke (Goodreads Author) eng txt store book library

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Book description
A lonely werecougar. An abused faerie slave. An unconventional Christmas gift. A fearless love.Nathan wants to go home. After becoming a werecougar, hes spirited off Earth in the middle of the night and sent to a half-way house for werefolk on a strange planet. His family and friends think hes dead. Everything in his life has changed and as he approaches his first Christmas alone, depression begins to set in. His roommate, in an effort to cheer him up, buys him a Christmas gift...Ezarali wants a Master. Seddryn sidhe are beautiful, highly valued pleasure slaves given to important faeries as gifts. When Ezarali is given to a human diplomat, he finds himself rejected and sold off as a common slave to a cruel and vile man. After months of abuse, Ezarali escapes, only to be caught by slavers and sold once again, to a young man looking for a Christmas gift...Can a human werecougar and a faerie slave overcome their cultural boundaries to find what they both desperately long for?
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