ONLINE Early Medieval Europe, 300-1000, Second Edition (History of Europe by Roger Collins eng access direct link portable download

ONLINE Early Medieval Europe, 300-1000, Second Edition (History of Europe by Roger Collins eng access direct link portable download

ONLINE Early Medieval Europe, 300-1000, Second Edition (History of Europe by Roger Collins eng access direct link portable download

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Book description
A huge subject covered in a densely written book which still only manages to cover most things fairly shallowly.But it’s a general Hx, so it does what it sets out to do I suppose, giving a broad picture over a 700 year span. At times written in a very academic style, occasionally paragraphs that in essence are just lists of who did what to who with little context. I think as a course text book this would work, but tricky at times for a general reader.One thing that really lets it down is the lack of maps, just a handful of small and basic rough maps when the whole of Europe is being discussed is, I think, a major flaw. Also, the complex dynastic interconnections are only illustrated by a couple of family tree type diagrams. A couple more would have helped keep track of which Pope or Emperor was related to who.The author takes pains to explain the reliability and motives behind most primary sources that are cited, emphasising that even when we have large amounts of texts covering a period they may be written many years or generations after the event.But having said all that, it does cover a huge subject and shows it to be almost overwhelmingly complex, yet has an extensive bibliography that points in the direction for further reading to help shed more light on any area that interests.
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