ONLINE Dragon and Judge by Timothy Zahn (Goodreads Author) mobi ibooks

ONLINE Dragon and Judge by Timothy Zahn (Goodreads Author) mobi ibooks

ONLINE Dragon and Judge by Timothy Zahn (Goodreads Author) mobi ibooks

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Book description
When orphan Jack Morgan 14 is dragged off by Golvins on planet Semaline because he smells like a Jupa (Judge-Paladin), golden Draycos, poet-warrior of Kda dragon symbiotes, tags along in the form of a back tattoo. Alison, host to newly intelligent Kda Taneem, is kidnapped by Braxton Universis mega-corporation renegade Neverlin and mercenary Colonel Frost to open a safe.The villains who massacred Draycos scout ships now want the destination of the refugee fleet of surviving Kda dragons and their Shontine hosts, to finish their genocide. Uncle Virge, the artificial intelligence based on Uncle Virgil, the swindler who raised Jack from the age of three, pilots their spaceship Essenay (sounds suspiciously like S and A), and keeps the secret of who Jacks parents were, and how they died. Danger everywhere, brains and cooperation required.
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