ONLINE Dot & Jabber and the Big Bug Mystery by Ellen Stoll Walsh online mp3 doc read direct link

ONLINE Dot & Jabber and the Big Bug Mystery by Ellen Stoll Walsh online mp3 doc read direct link

ONLINE Dot & Jabber and the Big Bug Mystery by Ellen Stoll Walsh online mp3 doc read direct link

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Book description
Dot and Jabber and the Big Bug Mystery by Ellen Stoll Walsh is a picture book about two mouse detectives trying to solve the mystery of the disappearing insects. Cut paper illustrations support the story’s theme of camouflage. The books includes a discussion about insects and camouflage. This is a strong example of a Pre-K-2nd grade picture book.The “bugs” delightfully blend into the cut paper illustrations driving the curiosity of the two mice. They sort out the mystery through their dialog with each other and their companion animals among the rocks. Interest Level: Pre-K-2nd Age: 4-8yrsGenre: FictionSubject: MysteryFrom School Library JournalPreSchool-Grade 1-The mouse detectives are back in another eco-mystery. When all the bugs in their meadow suddenly disappear, the mice interview a sparrow and a rabbit and observe some butterflies, finally discovering that the bugs have used camouflage to hide from their predators. The story is simple and unremarkable, but Walshs illustrations add interest. The distinctive cut-paper collages step nicely off the page for a 3-D look, and the earthy greens and browns are gentle and calming. A note on insects and camouflage is included.Shelley B. Sutherland, Niles Public Library District, ILCopyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.Kirkus ReviewAn outstanding combination of preschool/kindergarten story with nature information…Excellent.
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