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After reading that book, I improved my understanding of DevOps. I’d say that DevOps is like a Scrum where all stakeholders are in one team. Scrum with optional service virtualization and (other) cloud-based tools. I’ve learned that the DevOps is not about daily builds. It can be done in a 4 weeks sprints.Yet... With that book you can play in a Bullshit bingo, crossing the cliche slogans: * continuous improvement - (like in Scrum, CMMI, .., and many other approaches.)* speed of delivery* agile* lean* effective * efficient* …Also:1. Some statements are so trivial, I wonder why they are in use. For example: * teams with common goals works better. * The goal of DevOps is to deliver value faster and more efficient - as many DevOps alternatives. You can replace “DevOps” word here with most of known and unknown approaches. … Because so far, not too many IT companies go with a slow food strategy.2. Some statements are open for the speculations. For example:IBM survey of the industry found that only 25 percent believe that their teams are effective* 25% from 2 DEVelopment and 2 OPerationS members? And what was the question(s)? Do you believe that your team Can work better?3. Some slogans can draw a different picture, when you link them. For example: Chapter 1 rapid delivery of innovation require DevOps and Chapter 7 myths may have originated in companies and projects that tried and failed to adopt DevOps.If the companies and projects still exist - then the “require” is optional.What’s more, I found:1. (Not very) hidden advertisements and sales of IBM (Hardware & Software) tools & solutions. When there are some other tools on the market which do the job for years already. Like Octopus (source: for builds.2. Enhanced customer experience and loyalty slogan (most probably) means that customers will need to report bugs. And maybe even confirm that they are fixed. (Or just move and use solution from competitors.) It means that Customers will be treated as a beta testers. (For example in A / B testing approach.). Where some Customers will be an Unwilling beta testers. (As I am for the xBox - see story below.)Customer experience builds customer loyalty - if its like with xBox or few crappy Apple updates, Id say its not. With 2 examples:A) Enterprise Software - Dev team delivered 3 versions a week. And 1 major release per 3-6 months. Also a bit better tested & fixed. Many end users, who reported bugs, claimed that they will use only major releases or will use the competitors with one yearly release. I no longer work with that product(s).B) New xBox (One S) ( game console ) - within first 2 weeks it was updated every 2nd day. It took every time up to 1h. During the update - I could not use the console. Yet after...There was no any visible benefits of any update. No any sign of Added value for me. No any extra functionalities. No any new “colors”. Yeh. There are some noticeable changes - now xBox hangs more around user login functionality and during the game play. (So maybe it’s an improved security. I hope.) - now, every time I run a game, I see a 5 sec image animation of Microsoft Solutions words. And sometimes I think that they do want me to hate them even more (for that). Why did they stop on that - they could show the logo of MicroSoft permanently in the corner. Or even better - make it as a water sign, displayed permanently. On entire screen. Im sure gamers will remember about the manufacturer. When there will be a time to decide what (not) to use.(BTW: Every time I see a big logo, I remember about old computers, where you had a manufacturers name for 2-5 sec shown. So the end user remembered. Now I remember not to use any of those time-wasters. )Yeh... As for the updates I do not want xBox to run 24/7 for the sake of automatic updates. Not only because of ecology and electricity bills. But also because Big brother can use the kinect to spy on us. Plus Ive tested it for couple of days - and it asked me for restarts and agreements anyway. So there was no any (noticeable) time saving benefits. And for a fresh bugs - I searched for a workarounds online. That builds an impression of under tested product. Product I would not be able to recommend.That is why, so called Shift left (testing) approach, probably could be read, by some customers, without first f.As a customer, I like the 1 - 2 major releases per year more than 50 updates a month.DevOps dream of Continuous Delivery (with Continuous integration; Continuous testing; Continuous planning; etc.) can be perceived as a nightmare. With lots of wasted end users time.Yet here cost of (Customer) feedback is exported ...on a customer... So it can be treated as a saving for a project budget. Because it’s harder to count users who abandoned the product.Anyway, I was happy to read that book, to make my impressions: 1. DevOps is so good - it can heal the nearly dead companies and projects. (In iterations alike Scrum, Kanban, … ) 2. Behind DevOps approach you may find a lot of agile conversations and chats (some treating as a ChatOps approach). (Which is great to combine with a classic “Agile Manifesto”)3. As a professional tester, test automation (checks automation) will play a critical role in that approach.All in all:1. that solution can be good. It was fun to read that Netflix adopted it as a “NoOps”. With a big corporate success, regarding “shift left”. 2. The company I’m working in now, plans to implement that approach gradually. 3. Yet even after reading that book I have doubts. Not only because of the “Bullshit bingo”, Sales Slogans and (areas open for the) Speculations. But because now I know that IF there are “Those who tried and failed to adopt DevOps” THEN its their fault.
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