ONLINE Corroded Thorns by Emma Clifton (Goodreads Author) online view shop prewiew italian

ONLINE Corroded Thorns by Emma Clifton (Goodreads Author) online view shop prewiew italian

ONLINE Corroded Thorns by Emma Clifton (Goodreads Author) online view shop prewiew italian

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Book description
A fairy godmother—in prison? Madeline can’t remember even being a fairy godmother, let alone doing something bad enough to land her in a cell. When a mysterious lady sends her back to her old village with cryptic instructions and no answers to her many questions, Madeline must find a way to free her father, who has been imprisoned in a tower by a terrible beast. First banished by his father the king, then cursed by an angry fairy, Prince Darcy will do anything to escape this fate and achieve revenge and power. Just when he thinks his chance has arrived, by some cruel trick of fate a girl from his past returns and once again wreaks havoc on his life. Worse still, he begins to question what he truly desires.
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