ONLINE Coming Out to Ourselves: Admitting, Accepting and Embracing Who We Truly Are by Jerry D. Troyer reader link bookstore book touch

ONLINE Coming Out to Ourselves: Admitting, Accepting and Embracing Who We Truly Are by Jerry D. Troyer reader link bookstore book touch

ONLINE Coming Out to Ourselves: Admitting, Accepting and Embracing Who We Truly Are by Jerry D. Troyer reader link bookstore book

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Book description
“With the words, ‘… there is no such thing as those people. There is only us,’ Jerry Troyer welcomes everyone who has struggled, and really everyone who reads this book, to truly love and take care of themselves.”—Anthony Bidulka, Lambda Award-winning novelist and author of the Russell Quant detective seriesHave you ever wondered why? Why can you lose weight, but not keep it off? Why can’t you seem to stay clean and sober? Why do your relationships all end the same way—badly? Why do you keep buying things that wind up not making you happy?The cause of self-defeating behaviors can often be shame—from our sexual orientation; an event we’ve experienced, such as getting pregnant before marriage; a messy divorce; a job loss; or being abused as a child. Frequently, it has to do with what somebody told us when we were growing up, and we accepted whatever it was they said as our truth.But where did we get the idea that it is wrong to be gay? Who said we had to get married before having a baby? Whose rule is it that we should be ashamed if a marriage doesn’t last forever?Aren’t you tired of being on the roller coaster of fat and thin, clean and using? Coming Out to Ourselves: Admitting, Accepting, and Embracing Who We Truly Are invites you to go on a journey into your heart, where you can heal, forgive, and truly come out to yourself.Gay or straight, male or female, religious or agnostic, many of us carry guilt, shame, and fear that someone will find out our deepest and darkest secrets. Our secrets can often make us physically ill, in lack and struggle, going from one hurtful and unloving relationship to another, and separated from our heart center. Regardless of what it is that’s causing us to feel guilty, ashamed, or afraid, if it’s keeping us out of peace, there has never been a better time than right now to look at it, forgive it, and release it.This can be the most important journey you will ever
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