ONLINE Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran (Goodreads Author) view format ebook how download free

ONLINE Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran (Goodreads Author) view format ebook how download free

ONLINE Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran (Goodreads Author) view format ebook how download free

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Book description
Sara Gran has written a novel about an unprecedented private investigator named Claire DeWitt. Destiny, it seems, has chosen Claire to be a detective, planting a copy of the enigmatic book Détection in her path as a teenager. Claire has grabbed this destiny with both hands but fate has been cruel. Twenty years later detection is her religion and Détection is her Bible. Now she is summoned to New Orleans, because someone has heard she is the best, to search for an upstanding citizen lost in the miasma of Katrina. The battered and beggared New Orleans, second only to Claire, is the star of this story. Thus the title. The style is slick, gripping, and mystical, as strange and as easy as the character of Claire DeWitt. You may be repelled by her earthiness or mesmerized by her off-the-wall devotion to her calling. Though planned as the beginning of a series, Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead is itself a complete novel.
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