ONLINE Catholic Literary Giants: A Field Guide to the Catholic Literary Landscape by Joseph Pearce pc amazon read direct link no registration

ONLINE Catholic Literary Giants: A Field Guide to the Catholic Literary Landscape by Joseph Pearce pc amazon read direct link no registration

ONLINE Catholic Literary Giants: A Field Guide to the Catholic Literary Landscape by Joseph Pearce pc amazon read direct link no

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Book description
Joseph Pearce has firmly established himself as the premiere literary biographer of our time, especially in interpreting the spiritual depths of the Catholic literary tradition. In this book, Pearce examines a plethora of famous authors, taking the reader through a dazzling tour of the creative landscape of Catholic prose and poetry. Catholic Literary Giants covers the vast and impressive terrain from Dante to Tolkien, from Shakespeare to Waugh.Focusing especially on the literary revival of the 20th century, Pearce explores well-known authors like G.K. Chesterton, Graham Greene and J.R.R. Tolkien, but also introduces readers to lesser-known writers like Roy Campbell, Maurice Baring, and Owen Barfield. He even includes the new saint, John Paul II, who wrote many literary and poetic pieces, including one long poetic meditation that was made into a feature film, The Jeweler s Shop.Anyone who appreciates English literature will be entranced by the wealth and depth of this masterpiece.
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