ONLINE Cartier Cartel by Nisa Santiago audio txt doc flibusta free

ONLINE Cartier Cartel by Nisa Santiago audio txt doc flibusta free

ONLINE Cartier Cartel by Nisa Santiago audio txt doc flibusta free

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Book description
Cartier Cartel by Nisa Santiago was really good. Cartier and her crew, Monya, Bam, Shanine and Lil Momma develop a crew and, in the beginning, they hustle by boosting clothes to be in fashion and to look good around the hood. But, it doesnt take long before greed takes over and drugs enter into their hustlin scene. And, while theyre getting their hustle on, one of the crew gets beat bad, and Cartier and Monya go to jail for murder. However, because she feels responsible for her crew, Cartier ends up taking the charge and looses more than her peace of mind in the process. Cartier begins to realize whos really for her and whos not. And, when she finally gets out, her problems are not over, but take a turn for the worse.Join Nisa Santiago as she takes you on a ride that will leave you wanting more, anticipating whats going to come up next and how everything will come out at the end.I give it 4 stars.
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