ONLINE Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery by Kevin O'Malley windows read doc no registration full version

ONLINE Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery by Kevin O'Malley windows read doc no registration full version

ONLINE Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery by Kevin O'Malley windows read doc no registration full version

> READ BOOK > Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery

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Book description
One of my all-time favorite boy books. The art is BEAUTIFUL.First time I read this to my son, who was then maybe 3, he responded to the old-timey rhetorical Could this be the end of Captain Raptor? by whispering No! When I asked him why he thought it wasnt the end, he said, Because theres a lot more pages!One note on the art: this was the first time Kevin OMalley, a respected illustrator in his own right, worked with artist Patrick OBrien. So, he says, he came up with the hardest thing he could think of - a spaceship being attacked by a giant squid - just to see how good this OBrien fellow was.Pats a friend of ours, and when he told me on the playground that his next book was going to be dinosaurs in space, I groaned and rolled my eyes. What, no pirates? I think I said. What do I know - Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery is fantastic, and there are pirates in the sequel!
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