ONLINE Cadernos Italianos by Eduardo Pitta selling eReader how download reading read

ONLINE Cadernos Italianos by Eduardo Pitta selling eReader how download reading read

ONLINE Cadernos Italianos by Eduardo Pitta selling eReader how download reading read

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Book description
Um livro inspirador e no entanto desprovido de excessos, escrito a estilete pelo poeta que aqui é à vez o diletante culto, o profundo observador e o cidadão de inquestionável bom gosto. Precedido de um prefácio de Pedro Mexia também com um estilo contido, incisivo e ligeiro.An inspiring book,without excessive adjectivation or sentimentality, lean and written in the form of three condensed diaries: Venice days and Roman days in 2004, 2007 and 2011... The Author is a poet who in this instance turns into a delightfully cultured tourist hating everything that has to so with guided tours and acritical mobs, and yet strangely delicate in his observation of the two Italian cities. Definitely a good read, at least for those with a knowledge of the Portuguese!Maria Carmo,Lisbon 04 Th. March 2013.
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