ONLINE Broken Halo by Michaela Grey (Goodreads Author) apple portable book pocket writer

ONLINE Broken Halo by Michaela Grey (Goodreads Author) apple portable book pocket writer

ONLINE Broken Halo by Michaela Grey (Goodreads Author) apple portable book pocket writer

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Book description
Micah Ellis is an affluent businessman, comfortable in his life and work, as long as nothing happens to shake up his routine. Which is exactly what one Devon Mallory does, with his bright blue eyes and dirty skin and the forceful personality that’s everything Micah desperately needs but is too afraid to ask for.Micah and Devon enter into a Dom/sub relationship and navigate the world of BDSM and Micah’s crippling insecurities as they gradually fall in love. But Micah’s past is coming back to haunt him, and they must face it together—and that means learning acceptance and discovering that they both deserve love their way and on their own merits.
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