ONLINE Blackmailed the Italian Billionaire by Nina Croft (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

ONLINE Blackmailed the Italian Billionaire by Nina Croft (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

ONLINE Blackmailed the Italian Billionaire by Nina Croft (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

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Book description
Olivia Brent is happy with her quiet life in the country, until the imminent loss of her home forces her to embark on a search for her estranged father. Catapulted into a world of criminals, Olivia is out of her depth. When she meets the stunningly gorgeous and enigmatic billionaire Luc Severino, her world is turned upside down.Jimmy Brent’s daughter was the last person Luc ever wanted to be with, but she’s the key to finding her father,the man Luc has wanted revenge on for over ten years. He’s willing to use any methods available, including blackmail, to persuade Olivia to help him find Jimmy and put the past behind him.And if blackmail doesn’t gain her total cooperation, then perhaps a little seduction will…
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