ONLINE Black Crusade by Ari Marmell (Goodreads Author) information bookstore phone book eng

ONLINE Black Crusade by Ari Marmell (Goodreads Author) information bookstore phone book eng

ONLINE Black Crusade by Ari Marmell (Goodreads Author) information bookstore phone book eng

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Book description
Heresy and horror in the First Crusade.As Jerusalem falls to the soldiers of the First Crusade, a French knight finds a hidden Grimoire that is forcing its victims into heresy and worse. The Grimoire is burned, but it is drawn into Ravenloft, pursued by the knight who has chosen vengeance over sanity.Black Crusade is the first novel in a new series set in Ravenloft, the mysterious, mist-shrouded land of unspeakable horrors, where survival depends more on faith and luck than strength and steel. A new take on a familiar world, Ravenloft: Dominion features the same intense stories as the original Ravenloft line.
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